Brookview-Irvington Salvage Schedule

The City of Fort Wayne is providing area residents an opportunity to salvage architectural details from homes that are slated for demolition in the Brookview-Irvington Historic District neighborhood, . . . 

Wednesday Filltration Plant Tours

In celebration of receiving national recognition for utility excellence, Fort Wayne City Utilities is inviting area residents to free guided tours at our Three Rivers Water Filtration Plant this Wednesday, . . . 

FW Green Success Recognized By State

At a ceremony tonight, Sustainable Indiana 2016 inducted three City of Fort Wayne initiatives into the Green Lights Hall of Fame at IPFW’s Rhinehart Music Hall.

The City’s efforts with greening our . . . 

Pet & Children Halloween Safety

Fright night is fun for kids, but not for many animals. Screaming, running and scary costumes can make dogs nervous, uncomfortable and frightened. Dogs do not understand this change in appearance and . . . 

City Utilities National Reconition

At its annual Executive Management Conference this week, the American Municipal Water Association — AMWA — honored Fort Wayne City Utilities with the Platinum Award for Excellence in . . .