Waynedale Lions Fish Fry
Fish Fry for Uniforms and Equipment Fund Raiser
Friday Nov. 11, 2016 – 4 Pm to 7 Pm
Waynedale Elementary School
7201 Elzey Street – Fort Wayne, IN 46809
Fort Wayne Community Schools and the parents of the children at Waynedale Elementary are having problems providing uniforms and equipment needed by the students.
Last February the Waynedale Lions Club sponsored a Dan’s Fish Fry to buy shoes. With the volunteer help of the Waynedale Methodist Ladies, the 241 Legion Auxiliary and the Waynedale Elementary P.T.A. along with their members and spouses we were able to raise over $1800.00 plus a matching $750.00 grant from Indiana Lions Foundation.
After the successful Fish Fry and the offer from many local volunteers we learned of the need for additional equipment and uniforms.
At the June 2016 Board Meeting of the Waynedale Lions Club, it was unanimously voted to adopt Waynedale Elementary School as our major project and to have another Fish Fry along with a Bake Sale this fall help supply the School’s Needs.
Volunteers are ask to contact, Brenda Warren, Social Worker at Waynedale Elementary School, The Waynedale News or the Elder Law Office of James Springer, at 747 7224 to obtain tickets, make bake goods for the day of the Fish Fry or buy tickets. Pre Sale Tickets will be sold by various Waynedale Merchants, The P.T.A., Waynedale Lions.
The Fish or Chicken Strip dinners are "all you can eat" (except for carry-out) provided by Dan’s Fish’s Fry. You will have a choice of sides between potato salad, cold slaw, and applesauce. For drinks there will be coffee, lemonade, or cool aid. And for desert there will be a wide variety to choose from!
Adults Tickets: $10.00 Presale, $12.00 at the Door
Children 6 thru 12: $6.50 (5 and under eat free)
This is another opportunity for the residents of Waynedale, alumni of Waynedale Elementary, and the community at large to support the education of our Youth and show Pride in the Waynedale Community.
Volunteers Needed: Breaders on the Fish Day from 2 to 4, Servers, Set Up & Clean Up, as well as ticket Sellers.
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