The 20th annual Mihsihkinaahkwa Pow Wow will be held August 7th-9th, in Morsches Park (1035 E. St. Rd. 205), Coulmbia City, IN. This is a traditional Native American pow wow, celebrating the history and traditions of our ancestors.
On August 7th the gates open at 5pm with 32 vendors selling Native American products, crafts and food. The freewill concert with Adam Strack and Mike Mowry starts at 7pm.
On August 8th the 5K/run/walk "Healthy Traditions" starts at 8:00am. Registration is at 7:30am. Pow Wow opens at 10am. All vendors and "Living Native History" is open. Birds of Prey will have a demonstration from 10am to 12noon. Adam Strack will sing at 11:30am. At 1pm the traditional Grand Entry starts. The dancers in regalia enter the arena and dance to the drums until 4pm. They dance again at 6:30pm to 9pm. There will be a blanket raffle, 50/50 raffle and a silent auction from 10am to 7pm.
On August 9th events start at 10am. Vendors are open. There will be a scholarship auction from 10:30 to 11:30am. All proceeds go to the Native American scholarship fund.
Sunday is Children’s Day from 11 am to 4pm in the family tent, with games, storytelling and crafts. Dance times are 12 noon to 4pm.
Admission: $4.00, children under 12 are free $6 for weekend pass.