Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week in Indiana is May 17-23, as declared by Gov. Mike Pence.
The purpose, with Memorial Day weekend travel coming up, is to remind Hoosiers and visitors to Indiana to protect forests by not moving firewood.
Ash trees are dead and dying throughout Indiana by the thousands, costing Hoosiers millions and marring the landscape. The killer, the emerald ash borer beetle (EAB), can fly, but not far. Its rapid spread is caused by humans moving the firewood in which the beetles thrive.
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources regulates the types of firewood that can be brought onto State lands. The purpose is not only to stop spread of EAB, but also to fight the next invasive pest, which will likely travel in firewood, too.
The DNR requires all firewood entering state properties to: (1) be accompanied by a state or federal compliance stamp allowing such movement, or (2) be kiln-dried scrap lumber, or (3) be completely debarked if brought from home within Indiana.
To fight EAB, if you plan to have a campfire, the best option is to buy firewood close to where you will burn it; don’t bring it from home. Burn wood completely before leaving your site—don’t leave wood for the next person. Buying packaged firewood bearing a state or federal compliance stamp also helps.