Fort Wayne & NE Indiana News

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Old Fashioned Christmas Walk

The town of Grabill in northeast Allen County is sponsoring an old fashioned Christmas Walk on Saturday, December 7th, 2013. Activities include Breakfast with Santa in the Fudergong Building and Christmas Storytime at the Library. The town is also sponsoring a “Stuff a Buggy” campaign for donations to the Grabill Food Bank. You may donate canned foods or make a cash donation. Several of the retail shops will also be offering Christmas specials on that day.

This is an opportunity for a family friendly Christmas activity and to enjoy an old fashioned walk thru Christmas past.

Breakfast with Santa starts at 8:00 am. The event is free but you need a ticket. Tickets can be obtained at Grabill Hardware or the General Store in Grabill.

For more information please check the website at

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