Fort Wayne & NE Indiana News

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Volunteers Needed For Public Art Program

The City of Fort Wayne’s Community Development Division is looking for volunteers to support the City’s newly created Public Art Program. Anyone interested in information about volunteering should visit

Volunteers are needed to fill a number of roles, including sitting on the Public Art Commission, a 13-member board that will oversee the Public Art Program to review and select art to be displayed in public spaces throughout the city. Volunteers are also needed for Public Art Selection Committees. For each public art project, a committee will be formed to oversee the artistic selection and installation of the art. Non-voting volunteers are also needed to provide counsel in specific fields, such as art, design, community development, construction, engineering or architecture.

“We want a broad representation of our community to be involved with the Public Art Program,” said Pam Holocher, director of Planning & Policy for the City of Fort Wayne. “We want to include people from all geographic areas of the community, as well as those with a variety of backgrounds and interests.”

The City of Fort Wayne worked with Arts United to research and develop the Public Art Program, which was approved last month by the Fort Wayne City Council and Mayor Tom Henry. One of the first steps in implementing the program is to create a master plan for future locations of public art.