Fort Wayne & NE Indiana News

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Ivy Tech Northeast To Host Friday Apprenticeship Fair

Ivy Tech Community College will host an apprenticeship fair for students and community members interested in learning more about apprenticeships and how to become an apprentice. Attendees can speak with northeast Indiana companies with registered apprenticeship programs.

The event is being hosted in conjuntion with the U.S. Department of Labor’s National Apprenticeship Week, from Nov. 14 to 20. The week supports the expansion and advancement of the registered apprenticeship, a department program designed to connect job seekers who want to learn new skills with employers looking for qualified workers. The week is an invitation for the community to learn about the advantages of apprenticeship.

Ivy Tech Community College Northeast’s North Campus
The Steel Dynamics, Inc. Keith E. Busse Technology Center
3701 Dean Drive
Fort Wayne, IN 46835
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9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 18