Dare to Dream Youth Ranch announced that its Fall Fest Fundraiser Event will be held Sunday, October 16, 2016.
The event will be held from 1:00-4:00 p.m., and features a wide range of attractions and opportunities to see all the ranch and its programs have to offer.
“It’s going to be a great time for all,” said Greg Savino, CEO at Dare to Dream Youth Ranch. “We’ll be having horse rides and hayrides, prizes, games and more. And our special musical guests, country band Renegade, will be performing live. Most of all, we want families to come and capture the vision for what this ranch can do for the kids who need it most.”
To add to the program, the event will feature a Star Wars theme including an appearance by the Fort Wayne area’s own 501st Rebel Legion of fan costume role players on-site as well as Dare to Dream’s own horses dressed as Star Wars characters.
“This is a really special event for kids, their parents and grandparents,” said Michelle Buck, Director of Operations at Dare to Dream Youth Ranch. “We are proud of our volunteers, our program, and we want the community to see how we use horses to reach kids of all walks of life to dream bigger dreams.”
For interviews, features or questions regarding Dare To Dream Youth Ranch, its programs and the Fall Festival Fundraiser event, please contact Jim Buck, Communications Director at 260.348.8084 or email at D2DRanch.
About Dare to Dream Youth Ranch
Dare to Dream Youth Ranch serves Fort Wayne and the surrounding area by offering children the opportunity to experience a horse ranch, learning the values of integrity, leadership and compassion, through hard work, cooperation and caring for horses in a supervised and supportive environment. The ranch rescues and rehabilitates abused and neglected horses and integrates them into the ranch program. www.daretodreamyouthranch.org
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