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New Tech Partners With Jewish Federation In Holocaust Studies

Students at New Tech Academy at Wayne High School are working again with the Jewish Federation of Fort Wayne as the Jewish community celebrates Yom Hoshoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day.

On Monday, May 2, Dr. Robert Melson, a Holocaust survivor and author of “False Papers,” will visit New Tech, 9100 Winchester Road, from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. In the evening, students will then participate in the Yom Hashoah ceremony from 7-9 p.m. at Congregation Achduth Vesholom, 5200 Old Mill Road. Students will introduce Mayor Tom Henry and light candles. In addition, students have produced artwork and created exhibit boards on the Holocaust using this year’s theme of Identity. Their work will be on display at the celebration.

On Wednesday, May 18, Doris Fogel, a Holocaust survivor and former executive director of the Jewish Federation, will speak to New Tech students from 11:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Her visit comes prior to the students’ trip to the Illinois Holocaust Museum in Skokie, Ill., on Thursday, May 19. The field trip has been funded by anonymous members of the Jewish community.

“New Tech prides itself on authentic projects that allow students to connect current world problems to 21st Century skills,” New Tech Social Studies Teacher Jeff Roberts said. “This partnership with the Jewish Federation has allowed students to become advocates for the Jewish community. It allows the students to see the connection to many of causes and effects of the Holocaust to issues that they see in their everyday lives. The Jewish Federation has provided an incentive for students to develop the mindset to help bring awareness to discrimination and stereotyping while using written and artistic expression to bring attention to the topics and events of the Holocaust.”