National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend, which has become a national holiday for Girl Scout Cookie fans, kicks off this Friday, February 26, and runs through Sunday, February 28, 2016. Join us this weekend and celebrate all of the fun and excitement Girl Scouts have had selling cookies for nearly a century. National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend will give girls a chance to show off their cookie-selling skills by participating in booth and door-to-door sales throughout Northern Indiana and Southwestern Michigan.
During Girl Scout Cookie season, which ends March 8, each amazing young #cookieboss is not only selling delicious cookies; she’s also building essential life skills: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics—the “5 Skills” of the cookie program. And the more cookies girls sell, the more money they have to invest in community service projects and learning experiences, like travel opportunities.
One hundred percent of the proceeds raised through Girl Scout Cookie sales stays right here with girls, troops and the Girl Scouts of the Northern Indiana Michiana. Customers who purchase Girl Scout Cookies are not only getting a delicious treat—they’re making an important investment in their communities.
During this year’s Cookie Weekend, hungry cookie customers will be able to get their hands on classic cookies, like Thin Mints, Caramel deLites, and celebrating their 10th birthday this year is everyone’s favorite, Lemonades. Cookie lovers can also seek out the gluten-free alternative, Trios, made with real peanut butter, chocolate chips, and whole grain oats. Most cookies will be sold for $4.00 a box, with the exception of Trios at $5.00 a box.
So join in the fun of National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend 2016! or use the official Girl Scout Cookie Finder app, free for your iOS or Android phone or mobile device, to find a complete list of Girl Scouts selling cookies near you.
For more information please contact Tony Belton, member communications manager, at 260.422.3417 ext 154, or email tony.belton.