Fort Wayne & NE Indiana News

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Update On City’s Response To Recent Weather-Related Damages

City of Fort Wayne crews continue to lead cleanup and restoration efforts in response to the June 27 wind storm that caused damages throughout the entire City.

City officials today announced that current totals for cleanup and repair efforts are over $500,000. As a result of the expenses, the City of Fort Wayne will go before the Allen County Solid Waste Management District Board of Directors to ask for $250,000 to assist with cleanup and repair efforts. The meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, July 28 in Room 035 on the Garden Level of Citizens Square, 200 E. Berry St.

The Allen County Solid Waste Management District has funds available to assist municipalities with the disposal of solid waste materials when unanticipated weather events occur. The funds are generated in part through tipping fees paid by solid waste ratepayers in the City of Fort Wayne.

The Allen County Solid Waste Management District was established in 1991 when the Indiana State Legislature enacted House Bill 1240 requiring counties to form Solid Waste Management Districts. All Districts were charged with the responsibility of developing waste management/reduction plans to decrease Indiana’s dependency on landfills.

“By utilizing Solid Waste Management District funds, we’re able to meet the needs of the community with available funding that assists us in our commitment to delivering excellent services to residents,” said Mayor Tom Henry.

The Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department and contractors have removed all of the trees that fell onto homes and the nearly 150 downed street trees in neighborhoods. There are also nearly 100 downed trees in City parks. The cleanup of trees in City parks will take an extended period of time to complete.

Crews continue to work to repair 80 street light poles and fixtures that were damaged.

The City’s Citizen Services/311 Department received more than 7,000 calls related to weather-related damages.