The University of Saint Francis will offer the following public programs at the Edwin Clark Schouweiler Memorial Planetarium during the final weekend of the Three Rivers Festival.
Friday, July 17:
3:30 p.m. – Family Matinee “Larry Cat in Space”
(Less than 75 minutes, K-4th grade with accompanying adults)
7 p.m. – “The Planets” (5th grade-adult)
Saturday, July 18:
3:30 p.m. – Family Matinee “A Solar System Adventure Tour”
(2nd-4th grade with accompanying adults)
All programs consist of a multimedia show and a staff-led tour of the July night sky. Except as noted all programs are 90 minutes. Early arrivals following ticket purchase will be seated in the Gunderson Auditorium for an informal pre-show. All Three Rivers Festival planetarium pre-shows will include an update with images from the New Horizons spacecraft,
which flew by Dwarf Planet Pluto on July 14.
Admission is $4 for adults, and $3 for senior citizens and children under 18. The maximum charge is $14 per family. An additional $1 discount will be given to Fort Wayne Astronomical Society members and visitors with Three Rivers Festival buttons. Tickets may be purchased at the door.
The USF Schouweiler Planetarium is located in the Achatz Hall of Science on the University of Saint Francis campus off Leesburg Road. More information may be found on the USF Schouweiler Planetarium website at or by calling 260-399-7700, ext. 8404.