Fort Wayne & NE Indiana News

The latest positive news written by residents and organizations in our community.

Update On City’s Response To Weather-Related Damages

City of Fort Wayne crews continue to lead cleanup and restoration efforts in response to weather-related damages throughout the community.

The City’s Police, Fire, Public Works, City Utilities and Parks departments are all working in a proactive manner to deal with recent weather challenges.

The Parks and Recreation Department and contractors are working to address more than 100 downed street trees. Residents are urged to stay away from fallen trees and branches that are on power lines. The cleanup of downed trees on homes is expected to take the rest of this week. Additional street tree cleanup efforts in residential neighborhoods will take several weeks.

Swinney Park West and Foster Park West have been added as drop-off locations for residents to get rid of tree limbs, branches, and debris.

In addition, the City’s biosolids facility has waived fees for residents wanting to get rid of tree limbs, branches, and debris. Regular hours are 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 12-6 p.m. on Sunday. The facility is located at 6202 Lake Ave. Residents will not be able to dispose of tree root balls.

The City encourages residents to utilize Swinney Park West, Foster Park West, and the biosolids facility.

“We ask for the public’s patience as we’re doing all we can to expedite the process to bring our community back to normal operations. This effort will take time,” said Mayor Tom Henry. “I continue to be encouraged by the commitment and dedication we’re seeing from City employees and residents who are working together to make a difference.”

All traffic signals in the City are now operational. There are several street light poles and fixtures that have been damaged and repairs will take a number of weeks to complete.

All non-emergency calls should be directed to 311. The City’s Citizen Services/311 Department has responded to several hundred calls since Saturday morning.

Cost estimates on cleanup efforts and repairs are not known at this time.