As high river levels continue to impact neighborhoods City staff members remain active in efforts to combat rising water levels. Much like last night, additional staff from Public Works and City Utilities will be on duty through the night, with some even canceling vacations to assist in flood fighting efforts.
· Tonight, volunteers are sandbagging using 50,000 bags prepared by the Street Department and delivered to the Bella Vista neighborhood.
· City Crews are building an earthen levee in the Bradbury/Prairie Grove/Broad Ripple neighborhood to reinforce an existing levee.
· City crews along with contractors are building clay dike in the area of Berry Street and Thieme Drive to protect the West Central Neighborhood.
· City crews are building a clay dike in an area of Tillman Road.
· Earlier today, in an effort to help residents along the Junk Ditch near the Freeman, Taylor and Ardmore area, the City delivered truckloads of sand to parking lots at Portage Middle School, 3521 Taylor Street, and the Southwest Conservation Club, 5703 Bluffton Road.
· Bags are provided, however residents are to bring their own shovel to fill the bags so they can take them to protect their property.
· Last night, City Utilities placed 14 pumps at various locations around the City.
· 8 additional pumps were borrowed, shipped in from Indianapolis and placed in various neighborhoods.
High Water Closes Roads
River and lowland flooding has closed some Fort Wayne streets to close. Motorists should NOT try to drive through high water. It is difficult to know how deep the water may be and currents can wash vehicles off flooded roadways and bridges. Motorists should never drive around a barricade.
Current closures:
· Tillman Road – From Lower Huntington to Calhoun Street
· North River Road – From Maysville Road to Landin Road
· Hanauer Road – From Cook Road to Wallen Road
· Winchester Road – From Shamrock to Airport Expressway
· Nelson @ Berry Street
· Geneva – From Henrietta to Elyetta