Applications are being accepted online for residential street trees at a lower cost to citizens and can be found at <> . Residents may apply for a street tree which the City would plant this fall adjacent to their property, on the street right of way. The cost of the tree will be $50. The citizen-match street tree program has been offered annually for close to 20 years on a first-come, first-served basis.
Shade tree(s) will have a 2-inch diameter trunk and be from 8 to 14 feet tall, depending on the variety. On the application, tell us what varieties you think would grow best, look best, and coordinate best with other trees on the rest of your street. A list of the trees we can plant, which are sturdy, long lived, disease resistant, and beautiful can be found at <> . The City Arborist will consider the species you’ve requested and make the final decision about what to plant. The City reserves the right to deviate from your request if the City Arborist finds it to be inappropriate based on survivability or appearance, but we will let you know if this is necessary.
Neighborhood representatives who would like to request trees for their entire neighborhood should contact Chad Tinkel at 260-427-6480.
Applications may be submitted online, or mailed into our office at 705 East State Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN, 46805. For more information, please call 427-6000 or visit