Redeemer Radio, AM 1450 WLYV Fort Wayne and 89.9 FM WRRO Edon/Angola, raised $201,511 during its semi-annual Sharathon in October. During the three-day, 36-hour event, the station received 1,381 pledges from individuals and businesses via phone, mail, and even walk-ins to the station. The funds will help assist with operating expenses for the listener-supported station that serves the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, as well as the Northwest corner of the Diocese of Toledo. The Sharathon also makes it possible for listener-supported Redeemer Radio to continue to serve the community by means of Catholic radio and sharing the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith.
Redeemer Radio would like to thank everyone in the community who prayed for, volunteered and pledged to the Fall Hands of Christ Sharathon. Over 500 volunteers and studio guests made the Sharathon successful by giving their time during the three day fundraiser. Buck and Julianne Toenges, chair couple for the event, commented: “We were overwhelmed by the kindness of everyone during fall 2013 Sharathon. The generosity of the volunteers, with their time and talent, and the listeners, with their contributions and words of encouragement, made our ‘job’ as Chair Couple not just easy, but truly a blessing!“
A different parish, school or community outreach organizations was highlighted each hour of the Sharathon. Studio guests talked about how they and their community were the hands of Christ to those around them and shared what was going on at their parish, school or organization. Sharathon callers and volunteers often declare Sharathon to be some of their favorite Redeemer Radio programming as we celebrate our faith with the local area community.
Redeemer Radio broadcasts the Catholic faith to listeners in the Fort Wayne area on AM 1450 and in Northeast Indiana and Northwest Ohio on 89.9 FM. Both stations air EWTN and Ave Maria Radio Network programs as well as locally-produced shows and specials. It is Fort Wayne’s source for University of Saint Francis, High School and CYO Football in the fall, along with boys and girls High School basketball in the winter/spring.
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