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WorkOne Centers Open To Walk-In Customers

All 11 WorkOne Northeast career centers are scheduled to open to walk-in customers beginning the week of July 6, Northeast Indiana Works announced today.

Since June 8, the centers have been open to the public only by appointment. That option will still be available.

Hours and days of operation at the centers can be found on Northeast Indiana Works’ website at

People must continue to file for unemployment benefits online at

Staff at the centers are practicing extensive safety precautions and encouraging customers to also follow

certain safety procedures. Staff members wear masks and face shields, adhere to social distancing, regularly wash and sanitize their hands, cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing, and avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth.

Customers are asked to wear masks, if they have them, and encouraged to adhere to a social

distancing protocol and practice hygiene measures once inside a center.

Staff and customers are encouraged to self-screen. Any staff member or customer who has COVID-19 symptoms or an elevated temperature of 100.4 or greater will be asked not to enter a center.

Because of the safety precautions, walk-in customer capacity will be limited.