Celebrate spring with a round of golf! Foster, Shoaff and McMillen Park Golf Courses will open for the season on Wednesday, March 22 at noon.
When inclement weather occurs, courses may close for a short period, or for the day, depending upon the severity of the weather. To check on course availability, or to schedule tee times, call the golf course where you plan to play:
Foster Park Golf Course: 427-6735, http://www.fostergolfcourse.com
McMillen Park Golf Course: 427-6710, http://www.mcmillengolfcourse.com
Shoaff Park Golf Course: 427-6745, http://www.shoaffgolfcourse.com
Season tickets are on sale at the Parks and Recreation Department’s Main Office (705 East State Blvd.) and at all of the clubhouses. You can also arrange for a league or plan a golf outing for your business or organization at one of our City courses
For more information, visit www.fortwayneparks.org.