Effective Saturday, June 4, Camp Canine Dog Park will be open 6 am – 10 pm. Current hours are 8 am – 9 pm.
“We’ve had requests from the public to have the dog park open the same hours as Pawster Park, but we were concerned that noise from the dogs might disturb campers trying to sleep at Johnny Appleseed Campground,” said Parks & Recreation Director Al Moll. “But after much discussion with staff and our attendants at the campground, we’ve decided to give the new hours a try.”
An annual Pooch Pass may be purchased for $40 and is valid at Camp Canine and Pawster Park in Foster Park. Half-season passes are available as well, July 1 – December 31, for $20. Dog owners must provide proof that rabies, distemper and parvo vaccinations are up to date and were administered by a licensed veterinarian. Tags must be visibly attached to the dog’s collar at all times while using the dog park. Passes are available at the Parks and Recreation Main office, 705 East State Blvd., Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm.