Mt. Calvary Members and Friends are all welcome to have a free photo session and a free 8×10 photo.
Members will be placed in our new Church Directory.
All others will have a photo for themselves.
The photo session dates and times are as follows:
Friday, November 27, 2015 1pm to 8pm
Saturday, November 28, 2015 10am to 5pm
Monday, November 30, 2015 2pm to 9pm
We will also have sessions in December
Tuesday, December 22, 2015 2pm to 8pm
Wednesday, December 23, 2015 1pm to 8pm
Our background that will be used for the Church Directory photos is blue.
However you can chose any background available for your own private portraits.
Our goal is to have 240 photography sessions during the dates above. Please help us to obtain our goals.
Your contact at Mt. Calvary is our church secretary Becky Jungk-Reece at 203-3700.
If you sign up online you will receive an incentive discount on the purchase of your own private photos.
Also we are doing a food drive and everyone that brings canned/dry goods to their photo sitting session will also receive additional funds off of their own order.
To sign up online just go to our website and then go to the current events page.
Click on the big blue button that says “Sign up now! Be a part of our new directory”
OR go to this link now:
If you do not have access to a computer or the internet we would be happy to sign you up just call Becky and she can do that over the phone for you.
We will have in church sessions to get you signed up for the director too. Just stop at the table when you are here to worship.