A Monarch & Milkweed Workshop will be held Saturday, Aug. 15 from 1 – 3:30 p.m. at Ouabache State Park Lodge.
Learn all about the beautiful Monarch and ways to help in its conservation. Participants will receive milkweed seeds and a Monarch caterpillar to take home. Jody Heaston, IDNR, will be hosting this exciting workshop.
Pre-registration to jamstutz is encouraged. A program fee of $5 fee per person is due upon arrival.
Regular Park entrance fees apply: $7 per in-state vehicle; $9 per out-of-state vehicle.
Ouabache State Park (stateparks.IN.gov/2975.htm) is at 4930 E. St. Rd. 201, Bluffton, 46714.