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Final Milestone Achieved To Apply For Regional Cities Funding

Yesterday, June 24, the Mayors’ & Commissioners’ Caucus of Northeast Indiana voted in the five member inaugural board of the Northeast Indiana Regional Development Authority (RDA). Electing the board of the RDA was the final step in creating Northeast Indiana’s Regional Cities Initiative proposal.

The five members of the RDA board are Brad Bishop of OrthoWorx, Andrew Briggs of Bank of Geneva, Gene Donaghy of Northeastern REMC, Bob Marshall of Campbell & Fetter Bank and Jeff Turner of Metal Technologies.

As required by state statute, the RDA is the quasi-governmental entity that has been created to apply for state funding available through the Regional Cities Initiative. The five member RDA board was chosen from an initial slate of 22 candidates. The Northeast Indiana RDA represents Adams, Allen, DeKalb, Huntington, Kosciusko, LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, Wabash, Wells and Whitley counties.

“I’m proud of the spirit of collaboration in our region, and I am honored to be serving on the RDA board,” said Donaghy. “By forming the largest RDA in the state, we are demonstrating the adaptability and tenacity this region has to create economic progress. We know what challenges lie before us and we have a plan to meet them.”

The Mayors’ and Commissioners’ Caucus represents the 11 counties and 16 cities that make up the RDA’s territory, which gives them the authority to determine the RDA board members. The caucus, which is convened by the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership, also enables local public officials to speak with a unified voice at the state level on projects and priorities on which they have consensus.

“The potential for progress is unlimited when we unite around a common goal. Collaboration in action is what we’re seeing here,” said John Sampson, president and CEO of the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership. “We’re creating the future of Northeast Indiana by capitalizing on the grit and determination that defines this region and using it to unleash growth and accelerate progress.”

The goal of the Regional Cities Initiative is to make Indiana a magnet for talent attraction by creating a national identity for Indiana cities. Regions have been invited to compete for up to $42 million in state matching funds by submitting proposals with a slate of game-changing, quality of life projects (amenities and attractions that will attract and retain young talent).