The Historic 1844 Swinney Homestead will be open free to the public for walk through tours. There will be complimentary punch and cookies in the dining room, a Bake Sale in the kitchen, and the upstairs Gift Shoppe will be open. Visit the Settlers’ Membership Table to see the “historic hand art” activities planned for the coming year. This is also an opportunity to renew your membership, or join Settlers, Inc. as a General Member or as a Series Member. Fees from Settlers, Inc. memberships, as well as proceeds from Settlers’ Plant Sale and other fundraising activities, go toward maintenance and restoration of the Swinney Homestead.
The Plant Sale in the Swinney House basement always has a great selection of herbs and perennials. But, any garden plants or houseplants you may wish to donate to the Plant Sale’s variety of “diggings” on the back lawn would be appreciated. Plants should be identified with a label and in some type of take-home container—even a cottage cheese carton, milk jug bottom or plastic bag will do.
Plants can be brought to the Homestead prior to the 10 a.m. Plant Sale.