DNR is looking for enthusiastic young adults who will volunteer to document their experiences at Indiana’s state parks and reservoirs for the America’s State Parks Youth Ambassador program.
Their photos, videos and blogs will be posted at AmericasStateParks.org <http://www.americasstateparks.org/> , along with entries from other Youth Ambassadors from around the country. The Youth Ambassadors program is a movement to promote the outdoors to other young adults.
“Indiana is looking for young adult volunteers to help tell our state park story and get today’s young adults excited about visiting our 32 state parks and reservoirs,” said DNR Division of State Parks & Reservoirs volunteer coordinator Jody Heaston.
Applicants should be between the ages of 18 and 26 and must apply by Dec. 30.
The program is a great way for young people to share their outdoor experiences and get their writing and photographs published.
Youth Ambassadors will visit state parks and reservoirs within a defined region to photograph and blog at least once a month about events, hikes, camping, hunting, fishing and more.
The regions are northeast, northwest, east-central, west-central, southeast, and southwest.
Youth Ambassadors may be asked to cover specific events.
The program requires at least a one-year commitment.
Youth Ambassadors will receive an annual entrance pass for all state parks and reservoirs and free or reduced camping (when available).
Applicants must have a basic knowledge of Indiana’s state parks and reservoirs, an enthusiasm for natural and cultural resources and outdoor recreation, an ability to write in a conversational style, an ability to use a digital camera for photographs and videos, and must pass a criminal background check.
Youth Ambassadors are expected to provide their own transportation, meals and lodging (unless a campsite is available.) A digital camera will be provided.
To apply, email Heaston at jheaston@dnr.IN.gov with the following information:
• Name, mailing address and email address.
• Preferred region
• A paragraph describing an experience at an Indiana state park or reservoir.
• A paragraph explaining why you want to be a Youth Ambassador. (Include how you might approach this role.)
• A photograph that you’ve taken of people enjoying the outdoors or of a scenic place/view.