At the 2013 Indiana NAACP State Conference and Convention, held at the Sheraton at Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis, Indiana, on Saturday, October 26, 2013, Fort Wayne/Allen County Branch 3049 and Youth Council 3721 were recognized for exemplary accomplishments. As a result of the adult branch and youth council programs the Branch Award was received.
NAACP programs and partnership participation activities included Back to School, Stay in School program with Fort Wayne Community Schools; HIV/AIDS and the Black Church Education and Awareness; NAACP Legislative Day; National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day; Black History Bowl at Jennings Center; 28th Annual Unity Day Celebration by MLK Club, Inc.; MLK Day of Service (Unsung Hero for Community Service Hours, Lapel pin and letter from President Obama, Batteries and Fire prevention Awareness knock on doors); Women in NAACP (WIN) Black History Month Brunch; Presidents Day with the Mayor and Visit Fort Wayne; 1 Billion Rising (Women Violence); American Heart Association’s Go Red Sunday for Women Heart Health Awareness at local Churches, Go Red for Women Luncheon, and other awareness initiatives; NAACP Young Professionals Meet and Greet; National Youth Violence Prevention Week (Resolution); NAACP Sundays in the Park (Memorial Park); National After-School Association (NAA) Conference; FBI Community Relations Executive Seminar Training (CREST) for community feedback and jobs; Fort Wayne Economic Development Workshop by Northeast Indiana Central Labor Council and Unemployed and Anxiously Employed Workers Initiative; Indiana Black Barbershops Health Fair; Women of Inspiration Monthly Luncheon; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incl. Fort Wayne Alumnae Chapter Founders Day and 100th Anniversary Celebration; Chi Eta Phi Nursing Sorority Inc. Annual Awards Luncheon; Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Luncheon and Annual Scholarship Banquet; It Is Well With My Soul F.U.N. Fridays, Program Presentations, Intergeneration Family History Research, and Black Family Health History; “Pick Up a Book, Not a Gun” Campaign, Prayer Vigil, and March; “Purpose Built Neighborhoods” model Presentation; “Your Voice Matters: Public Forum on Economic Development” at the City County Building hosted by Northeast Indiana Central Labor Council and the Unemployed and Anxiously Employed Workers’ Initiative; Interviewed Raymond Jetson about the new Mobile farmers market serving ‘food deserts’ in Baton Rouge[ EXPLORE conference sponsored by Parkview Health, designed to highlight the food desert issue and present improvement strategies; sent delegates to NAACP Midwest Region Convention, National Convention; Indiana State Education Summit, Indiana State Convention, and 50th Anniversary of March on Washington. AFL/CIO Tax Abatement Summit; Precinct and Voter Registration Training; Voter Registration and Mobilization Initiatives; 50th Anniversary Homecoming Celebration of Vietnam Veterans and Vietnam Era Veterans by Kevin Howell, Bennie Edwards, and Vietnam Veterans of America organization, Chapter 698; Freedom Fund Banquet “Remembering Medgar Evers: Our Future of Equity and Justice.” Keynote speaker was Kim Keenan, Esq., National NAACP general counsel.
In addition, Youth Council President, Kierra Curry received the largest of the seven AT&T College Scholarships awarded that night. This marks the 25th year that AT&T has awarded these scholarships. Criteria for receiving the scholarship included active participation in the NAACP branch and its programs in the areas of organizational issues, education, health, civic engagement, juvenile justice and economic empowerment. Kierra Curry, as Youth Council President, presided over the programs and activities of the youth council, including monthly community service initiatives and monthly business meetings.
Earlier, this year, at the NAACP Midwest Region III Civil Rights Advocacy Training Institute (CRATI) in Detroit, Michigan, Kierra Curry was bestowed the auspicious distinction of Miss NAACP Midwest Region III for community service and civil rights advocacy done as a youth member of the NAACP. Youth Council Advisor, Sheila Curry Campbell was awarded Youth Advisor of the Year Midwest Region III.
NAACP is 104 years old, the oldest and largest civil rights organization. Membership from 1909 until now has been and will always be multi-cultural/racial. The mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.
If you would like to join or partner with NAACP, you can attend our next meeting, Thursday, December 19, 2013, 7:00-8:00 pm at downtown Allen County Public Library.
For more information, contact:
Rev. Dr. Saharra Bledsoe
Phone: (260) 426-3049 or (260) 312-4503 Email:
Sheila Curry-Campbell, Advisor, Youth Council 3721
Phone: (260) 740-7810 Email: