FORT WAYNE, Ind.— The School of Arts and Sciences and Department of Philosophy and Theology at the University of Saint Francis will host a free lecture, “The Relevance of Blessed Maria Theresia Bonzel and her Beatification,” on Sunday, Nov. 17 at 3 p.m. in Gunderson Auditorium, Achatz Hall of Science. Sisters of St. Francis who have returned from her beatification Mass will discuss Blessed Maria Theresia Bonzel, who founded their order, and her relevance today.
Maria Theresia Bonzel founded the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, the university’s sponsoring congregation, 150 years ago in Germany. On Nov. 10 in Paderborn, Germany, she was beatified by the Catholic Church. The beatification was granted through a degree of miracle by Pope Francis, and represents the third of four steps to canonization, or sainthood. Along with other beatified persons, she has been given the title “Blessed.”
The degree of miracle was granted for her intercession on the behalf of a 4-year-old Colorado boy who received healing after prayer to her by the boy’s family and Sisters of St. Francis. The Sisters will discuss her courage, devotion and wisdom, and her influence through modern times.
For more information on the free public lecture, contact Angie Springer at <mailto:aspringer or (260) 399-8066.
The University of Saint Francis, founded in 1890 as a comprehensive university in the Catholic Franciscan tradition, offers more than 80 undergraduate and graduate programs through the School of Health Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, Keith Busse School of Business and Entrepreneurial Leadership, School of Professional Studies and School of Creative Arts. The university’s College of Adult Learning designs focused curriculum for working adults by offering online and accelerated programs, through its Virtual, Fort Wayne and Crown Point campuses. More than 2,400 students from a broad geographic region attend USF for its academic excellence.