Bishop Luers host 8th grade visitation
All 8th grade students are invited to Bishop Luers High School with their feeder school on November 7, 2013. Students will tour the school, be introduced to the faculty, and listen to a short presentation. If you are a non-feeder school student, please contact Jenny Andorfer at 456-1261 x 3139 to schedule your visit on 8th grade visitation.
When: November 7, 2013
Time: 8:30 -10:30 A.M.
Reservation: Jenny Andorfer (260) 456-1261 x3139 or
Henry-Keefer Merit Scholarship/Placement Exam
All incoming students for the Class of 2018 will be required to take this Placement Exam for admissions purposes. The Henry-Keefer Merit Scholarship will be awarded based on the two testing dates to the TOP TEN scoring students. Awards total $10,000. Students must arrive by 7:45 AM and the test starts promptly at 8:00 AM.
When: November 9, 2013
Bishop Luers Open House
Bishop Luers High School is hosting an Open House on Wednesday, November 13, 2013. Registration begins at 6:00 P.M. and Open House begins at 6:30 P.M. All interest families are welcome to attend. Make your Open House experience personal for you and your family, browse through our Open House Course Selections and classes that interest you. Opportunities will also be available to gather information about clubs, sports and much more. Register for Open House by visiting <> . For more information, call the Bishop Luers Admissions Office (260)456-1261 x3008.